

Hello, my name is Alex. I will talk about who I am in a minute, but I wanted to talk about the importance of this project, what it represents, who it’s for, the end goal of this project, and why I am even starting it in the 1st place. Before we get into the muck of it, I wanted to let you know that I plan to be fully transparent and honest with everything about this project, and what it entails. I am not the best English writer and my grammar is horrible but I will do my best for you grammar nerds, feel free to help 😉.

      Anyways, let’s get into it! As to not waste anyone’s time, this project is for those who have a passion and desire to become more self-aware of themselves and their interactions and thoughts with those around them, for we are operating on the hearts and minds to fix relationships and understand a different perspective, those with social anxieties, over analyzing problems, social psychology nerds, women who want to understand relations from the male perspective and how we interact with each other. Theres a lot more that can say but in a general sense this site is dedicated to those who want ideal relationships (as I am an idealist), and how to be a man in those relationships.

      Secondly, this project represents, as I said before, the obtaining of the ideal relationship (I will get into this more in my next post), and the journey to that end. Though life will have its drama and its highs and lows, the ideal relationship with push through it all, until the end of time. This is extremely important because we can not go through life without human interaction. We literally crave it! Covid just proved it even further. We are not designed to be held up in a house for months on end, let alone years. So, to that end, all relationships will be covered at some point during this project (personal, work, surface level, cultural and eventually marriage relationships (as I am not married, I will be saving this for last but a lot of this stuff can and will apply. I will be bringing in someone who is married to give more context and understanding of the ideal marriage if people so choose to desire). Ill be getting into the topics a bit later.

      Third, I decided to do this because of my own personal past. There have been a lot of instances where miscommunications, misunderstandings, lack of transparency, the inability to explain oneself, and the ending of relationships all because of stupid communication problems on both ends in my life. So I have had a passion for a while for healthy relationships and getting into the complexities of said relationships. This is literally the OR (Operating Room) for relationships back by as much science as physically possible! It’s been on my heart for awhile to train and teach people to communicate better with those around them from a logical and non-emotional standpoint. While emotions are extremely important. It’s good to have a cool head on your shoulders when communicating and articulating your feelings and thoughts with others. We as people make better decisions when we can properly communicate, understanding the others perspective, and come to a logical agreement based upon those words and feelings. We as men typically have a hard time communicating our feelings or we tend to over share our feelings on the extreme side of things. Knowing how to balance those emotions and logical thoughts in the right setting is of upmost importance.

      Fourth and final, I just want to state what the end goal of this project looks like. As this is a journey for myself and those who read this. My desire is for this to truly help men and people with their relationships. Each side coming from humility but also maturing themselves to be better and extremely self-aware. To the point where you are able to explain your thoughts and actions to anyone who may ask why you said or did something, in the most laymen’s terms possible. I want to continue to support people, and have this content remain open to as many people as possible. As well, I will eventually make videos on YouTube, for those that hate reading. For now though, I have too much on my plate to learn with the beginning of this project.

  • Topics and the studies

      The aim of this project in regards to topics is to get as close as possible to scientific cases of social psychology regarding said topic. Once again, topics will focus on daily interactions, people with social anxiety, complex issues and problems, and of course those relationships around you! As well as being self-aware, and being able to explain your actions on why you did something instead of saying “idk I just did it or it just felt right”. How can you have an ideal relationship if you understand yourself?  There is a lot to unpack here as we are complex human beings, but we will get to it all. If there’s a particular topic that the majority of you want to see feel free to send me and email on it.

  • Who I am, what I value, and what to expect

      Who am I? You might ask. Well, I will happily answer that for you now! First off, I am not a licensed Therapist or counselor. I am doing this as a hobby and a passion project.

     My name is Alex Pistorio. I grew up in a traditional blue collar household with both parents working (so I saw a lot of arguments and what not to do in a relationship). I am some who over analyzes everything when something goes wrong in my relationships. Also, I am very direct and tend to not thing how the other person my feel about my words. Typically, this isn’t an issue with guys, but more with women and my relationship with them. I have ADHD, while I was younger it was an extreme case of it, it has since mellowed out a bit. I say this because for those that don’t understand, having an extremely hard time focusing or I focus too hard on one thing for too long. Impulsivity issues where my brain is constantly running a mile a minute (subconsciously) and I say or do something that is not expected or normal in the situation. Which typically gets me into some form of trouble. I have been working on this and recently have got my brain to stop and think, but it’s extremely awkward and I tend to literally freeze and my mind goes blank. It’s weird but I am working on it. For those who want to understand my personality better, I am an ENFP with introverted tendencies. I am generally easy to talk to, dramatic, and expressive. Which is why my exaggerated sarcasm tens to come out a too bit much ha.

    Since I grew up in a traditional household, I am a traditionalist. But in a modern sense. I am highly adaptable to any situation, so if someone feels a certain way, I try and work with them to make them happy. As such, this site will be geared towards modern traditional relationships. Attaining that balance of emotion and logic. Understanding the others perspective and working with them to achieve great things even when the relationship goes sour.

You can typically expect me to post once or twice a week about a certain topic.

                                  Have a God blessed day,
